Breastfeeding and Lactation Support

I am a Certified Lactation Counselor via the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice (ALPP). I am able to support new parents who are interested in breastfeeding with practical information, guidance, and understanding.

I support ALL parent choices on how to feed your baby; there is no one right way. We can discuss what works best for you; be it breastfeeding, pumping, chest feeding, or bottle feeding. We can discuss different breastfeeding positions, work through issues you may be having, or just discuss what feels right for your family. This can be a very sensitive topic for many parents: there is zero judgement on how you to choose to feed your baby. You are the parent and you know best! I’ve found that with a little bit of coaching, many parents can build the confidence to breastfeed. We will take our time and work through anxieties, concerns, and issues together.