Why work with me?

I am passionate about working with expanding families. Too often, new parents are left to fend for themselves after leaving the hospital or birthing location; having minimal touch points with providers until baby’s checkups. I want to fill the gap of care that is so common in the fourth trimester (aka the newborn phase).

My background in early childhood development gives me a keen awareness of how to support parents, siblings, and, newborns. My goal is to empower parents so they feel confident about their care for baby. I encourage parents to follow their instincts and make choices that are right for them and their family; this is a judgement-free zone. I aim to “work myself out of a job” by giving you the tools you need through education, support, and guidance.

Photo by SeventyFour/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by SeventyFour/iStock / Getty Images

Services include:

  • Providing emotional support to help you to transition to parenthood (see below for more info)

  • Overnight care

  • Education on newborn care such as diapering, swaddling, bathing

  • Breast/bottle feeding support and referrals

  • Nutritious meal preparation

  • Light housework such as laundry or dishes

  • Help with “nesting” and organizing baby’s room

  • Give opportunity for parents to take time to care for themselves

  • Baby wearing support

  • Provide information about postpartum body healing

  • Older sibling preparation and support

  • Education on soothing techniques

What does emotional support look like?

Emotional support for birthing parent and partner can span a wide range. I am there as your non-judgmental advocate. Many mothers need time and space to process their birth experience, whether it was the one they imagined or not. Many partners need a person to talk with to share their fears and excitement. I’ve worked with single birthing parents; adoptive families, same-sex families—-everyone needs support.

As well-intentioned as family members may be, they tend to offer suggestions that worked for them; or, might not be up to support you with the tasks you need. That’s okay! That’s when I can step in to be the listening ear, try different strategies until we find a good fit for you, and, even offer some guidance on how to speak with grandma and grandpa.

I am there to validate your concerns, cheer on your successes, and navigate the transition into parenthood.